Next Book Club: The Last Policeman

The Next Book is: The Last Policeman
The Author is: Ben Winters
Here is a link to a review/synopsis:
The meeting date/time will be: April 9, 6:00 PM
The meeting location will be: Stan & Laura’s (8801 6th AV NW)

Here is the review in Amazon:

It’s not often you hear a book described as a pre-apocalyptic police procedural. But in the hands of Ben Winters (Sense and Sensibility and Seamonsters), the mash-up of murder mystery and gloomy end-of-world melodrama works perfectly. Detective Hank Palace knows the world will likely be destroyed in six months by the meteor headed toward earth like a bullet. But unlike those who are giving up, quitting jobs, doing drugs, running away, or killing themselves, Palace has a job to do. He’s got a murder to solve. So he keeps plugging away, unwilling to let the looming apocalypse distract him from finding the killer. Palace is an appealingly off-kilter character, more goofball than hard-boiled. So it’s a very good thing that this is the first in a planned trilogy. --Neal Thompson

It’s a planned trilogy?!!! I’m not quite done with it yet but I guess that means the big rock isn’t going to hit in this book.

Ok, time for a poll

What did you think of The Last Policeman

  • Thumbs up
  • Thumbs down
  • Didn’t read it

0 voters

Purdue University has a meteor impact calculator called Impact Earth!. You can use it to see how much damage different meteors would have on the Earth.

I think the book put the Maia meteor at 7 km so I created one of that size. Here is the crater size:

It doesn’t tell you information about the human impact. Like how many people would die or stuff like that. It’s pretty cool though.